An AI powerd app meant to detect polluted beaches and organise clean up events.
To install our project on your machine you just need to clone it. This can be done by following these steps!
You can start with downloading our project form GitHub by pressing the green clone button
Pasting this line of code in your favourite Terminal:
git clone https://github.com/codingburgas/cup-2022-yottabyte.git
You have successfully cloned the repository! 🥳
If you want to run our web application, go to the "<B>webapp</B>" folder.
From there you have three options:
*github pages domain goes here*
IIS Express
dotnet watch
You have successfully accessed our website! 👏👏👏
If you are having any difficulties with the installation or set up, just let us know in the Discussion tab! 💬
If you are on an Android system, then follow this quick guide:
If you are on an IOS system, then follow this quick guide: